Fire extinguishers are marked with coloured bands and class lettering to enable the user to select the right extinguisher for the class of fire.
Powder Fire Extinguishers ABE are distinguished by a white coloured band around the top of the cylinder. They are the most widely used type of fire extinguisher and are suited for many types of fires in the house, boat, garage, car or caravan.
Powder Fire Extinguishers BE are also distinguished by a white coloured band around the cylinder and discharge a fine powder that absorbs fuel molecules, depriving the fire of a fuel source. They are best suited to put out fires in the boat, car or caravan.
Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers are red with an oatmeal coloured band. These fire extinguishers use an aqueous solution discharged in a fine spray to the surface of Class F fires such as oils and fats.
Water Fire Extinguishers are completely red with no coloured band. They are effective against Class A B fires involving paper, textiles, wood, plastics, rubber, petrol, oil and paints.
Foam Fire Extinguishers are red with a blue band. They are effective against Class A & B fires involving paper, textiles, wood, plastics, rubber, petrol, oil and paints.
Carbon Dioxide CO2 Fire Extinguishers are red with a black coloured band. They are recommended for use in Class (E) fires involving energised electronic equipment.

As your fire protection contractor, we will collaborate and work with you to find solutions to your specific requirements.